Senior Portraits, Southcoast, MA

blue eyed woman wearing a white dress

Senior sessions are so important. It’s the last year of highschool and this is going to be in a yearbook that everyone eventually looks back on. You’re going to recall those fun times in highschool, who did what, who looked like what, and what life was like during these times. Back then, highschool photos were…

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Class of 2018, Rochester, Massachusetts

As the school year continues, the seniors are working on their end of the year ties. Preparing for high school goodbyes, they are looking at colleges or the next steps of their lives. This is always such an exciting part of the senior year! I met Miss S and her mom at Eastover Farm in…

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Class of 2018 – Southcoast Graduates

Congratulations to the class of 2018 as they wrap up their final year and celebrate their moving on to the big world! Yesterday I had a senior session with E; he was easy going as we walked around Oliver Mill Park and chose different scenic spots for his photos. He plans to study software engineering…

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